Monday, October 10, 2011

Our assignment is to analyze and compare LA Observed over a three-day period, from 10/10/2011-10/12/2011. Here is my Day One Observations:

LA Observed
Monday, October 10, 2011

In order to “analyze” this blog/website, I need to create some categories.

I expected a headline on the Column One section – and all I got was a
Morning Buzz. What does that mean?
However, I am interested in the , “If you missed it . . .” stuff.
            Villaraigosa (that teeny-weeny schmuck) applauds the Ca Dream Act – he would! Thinking of running for Governor, you little shit?
            Steve Jobs was no friend to journalists… Really? Interesting. He was a real person, not a journalists’ creation. All the better. More reason to admire him.
            Nobel Peace Prize -? Well, who cares? Obama got one. Really? That was it for me!
            Brown Vetoes Villaraigosa Bike Bill – Since when do Mayors of Cities become Legislators?? The Mayor submitted a Bill to this f-d up legislature and it got to the desk of the Governor?? Can we say ONE PARTY? (too many checks and no balance)

Style: It took me at least a good ten minutes to figure this thing out – and I am just above the fold here.  Too much noise on the splash page, baby. Get rid of all that stuff and move it where its not clogging the works up!

Otherwise, get some logical, sensible stuff up under a meaningful column header, not just a listing of tag terms and a meaningless title. But ok. I got it now.

Information: What information? The weather? Nothing above the fold! Is that supposed to make me look beyond the front page?? Because – I wouldn’t if it were not for the fact that I have to for this assignment.

Prioritization: That has already been discussed – see every other comment.
Writing . . . Well, for that, I have to look for it. There is nothing written above the fold.
This is a 3-column blog site with a banner topper that has navigational tabs and a search engine

Column 1 is the main column, which I determine because of the width of the column and the info box at the top of it. In that info box are photos and navigation tabs.
Beneath that is the Morning Buzz
            Morning Buzz – leaves me clueless as to what it is from above the fold. I am not inclined to look further, either, because of what I see in the first graph. It is a mish-mosh (technical word) of unrelated tags, most of which do not draw my attention.
            I am not curious about Columbus Day closures. Gov. Brown’s ban on handguns may be a liberal political hot button, but I am far more interested in illegals getting preferential treatment in the California State University system when professors have been laid off because of lack of funding and thousands of students have to stretch their education to 5 or 6 years because of lack of availability of courses needed to graduate. Out of state students are receiving preferential admission because they pay more – oh, wait a minute – doesn’t that put those same illegal aliens into that category of in-state tuition??? That means, I guess, that those in-state tuition candidates will be accepted AFTER they fill the out-of-state slots?? Hmm. Who benefitted from that??? Wow. Political coup, Brown! Nice job!

But I digress; back to the analysis.

So the Column Left, then, is the main column, by an editor who has a whole lot of ego-stroking going on there with his bio and his links on that precious real estate above the fold.

I note that there are Follow/Like buttons taking up space as well. Not the best place to put them. Lots of that taking up the info space. Could be smaller, less prominent.

Column 2
Recaps of inside from previous dates and a lot of weather info that is pretty irrelevant in California. (See Headlines) Also could be smaller icons.

Column 3
A terrible photo of the World’s Most Unattractive Waterway, the LA River; and a caption identifying it, but now, why there is a photo of it on the front page, I have no idea. Confusing. And not enticing.

Next is a column by Mark Lacter, “Economic Narrative All Bad. Reality Quite Different” That grabs my attention a bit. But being a journalist, I find it hard to believe there is any good news out there.

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